The Happenings

Things have (sort of) calmed down a bit with my mother’s departure (although with all of the extra cleaning she did, it still seemed like it was a mess in here when I woke up). Now we can just kick back with our coffee and chit chat for a few, yes?

Speaking of my mom’s return to New Orleans, here’s a little farewell photo we took before my husband chauffeured her to the airport:


Anyhow, there’s lots of new things in the works here at DBDW! First, and possibly the biggest of the news, is that I’ve been taken on as a consignment account at a local yarn shop here in Denver! Woohoo! Now, ideally one of my long term goals is to begin offering my products at wholesale (for resale), but you’ve gotta start somewhere.   So, within the next few weeks, you’ll be able to find a (small) selection of Daybreak Dyeworks handspun yarns and hand-dyed spinning fibers for sale at Wild Yarns!

Next, I’m officially a Phat Fiber contributor, which I made quick mention of in yesterday’s post. If you’re not familiar with Phat Fiber sampler boxes, definitely visit their website and check them out.  It’s a pretty amazing idea and a great way for indie fiber artists (and anyone else with knitting/fiber- related goods) to get their name out to a broader audience and just build community and comradery with other small businesses in similar fields. You can get a few sneak peeks by visiting their Ravelry group.

I have something new I’ll be introducing to the shop that coincides with the whole Phat Fiber stuffs, but I’ll get into all of that in another blog post.  If you simply CAN’T wait, the details are here (P.S. join my group)!

Amongst other things, I’ve been busy spinning up some handspun samples:




This is just the first little batch and I have another skein that needs to be split into  sample-sized mini skeins. These babies will be donated to Sunrise Fiber Co. as I’m “sponsoring” her yarn club for this month. More free publicity, folks 😉

Here’s the other skein that’s soon to be split into sample skeins:


This was a failed version of my Koi Pond colorway. There was way too much white space (for my liking) on the original fiber, but I absolutely LOVE how it spun up! I almost don’t wanna let it go 😦

Glamour shots:




I’m pretty in love with this yarn. It makes me think of laying on a picnic blanket and looking up at the sky through a canopy of autumn leaves. It’s almost poetic.

That last major thing going on around here is the impending start of the upcoming school year! What happened to my summer?! Sheesh! We’re gearing up for second grade and another round of preschool around here. If anyone’s interested, we’ll be basing most of the 2nd grader’s curriculum on what’s found on Ambleside Online (Charlotte Mason-style curriculum) and the preschooler will be following along with most of the Ambleside reading, but will have more of a Montessori-style environment to work in. Perfect for her kinetic nature (and short attention span). Look forward to some homeschool-themed posts in the future!

Anyhow, that’s about it for now. It’s literally taken me about 3 hours to write this post with all the starts and stops that’ve happened since I first sat down, lol! Everyone seems content for now though, so off to spin a bit! Happy crafting!

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